Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday's Tips: Christmas Shopping, Already?

Yes I am one of those crazy people who stand in line at 5 am the day after Thanksgiving trying to get the best bargains possible. Do I like getting up at 3 am just to get in line for a reduced price Tickle Me Elmo or mp3 player? Not really, but anything to save a dollar.

So imagine my excitement to see that this year I have found an alternative to standing in line on that dreaded black friday. Online Black Friday!

Black-Friday.net will allow people to purchase Black Friday items online without the hassle of standing in line (most likely out in the cold) at 5am. Yes you heard that right... NO STANDING IN LINE! And not only that, but the site will send email alerts saying when new Black Friday ads have been listed.

I have already written down at what I want to get at stores like Old Navy, Target and Walmart. Heck there are even deals for those looking for plasma cutting. I can't wait to see what awesome deals and how much I can save all while I sit in the comfort of my office chair on November 23.


Michelle said...

Wow! That's really cool! I've never been one of those who goes to stand in line and catch the early sales...always thought about it, but never did it! This, I may try though!! Thanks for the tip!

Now, remind me come November!:)

LiLi said...

Thank you... I'll be checking this out! you know I'll be 2 weeks from Delivery that Friday, I don't know that I could hack the shopping that morning!