Friday, September 14, 2007

You Don't Have To Be A Registered Voter...

To vote on Val's blog!! My wonderfully talented friend is looking for a tagline for her business, and YOU can help her decide! You know, kinda like America's Player on Big Brother 8.

Please take time to vote for a tagline for VWC Photography today. You can take a peek at some of her work here. And you can't choose just one? That's okay, you are allowed to pick three. (Yes, Val is almost as indecisive as I am)

So exercise your right to vote today. Go to Val's blog and vote.


Unknown said...

I love your way of telling about the poll ;) Very cute. See, you are so clever.

Thanks for doing this --- there's a few that I wish people would vote for because they >my favorite! (But that's not how it works, is it?) I want to know what your very fave is -- email me.

thanks again!! :)

Corie said...

I voted too... just waiting for the resuls! :)