Monday, January 29, 2007

Lysacek versus Weir

I have such peculiar interests. One being figure skating. The women are so graceful, and the men are so powerful, yet so intriguing to watch. I have watched for years. Who hasn't watched Michelle Kwan or Nancy Karrington. Or even Scott Hamilton or Brian Boitano? And how about the skaters of today? Emily Hughes, Kimmie Meissner and of course Johnny Weir and Evan Lysacek.

For three years Johnny Weir has won the US National Championship in figure skating. A win last night would have made Weir the first 4-time US National Champion since Brian Boitano. Following along in the shadows has been Evan Lysacek. The two have been rivals for years and this year Lysacek was determined to beat Weir at home and end Weir's homefront winning streak.

After the short program Lysacek had a slim lead of .85. Going into the free skate Saturday night was the question "Who will try a quad and who will make it?" Lysacek skated first and skated a performance of a lifetime. Better than even when he went to the 2006 Olympics. Lysacek opened his program with a quad-toe, triple-toe combination. It was the first time Lysacek had ever landed a quad in competition, never mind a quad-triple. Not only did Lysacek beat Weir, he kicked his butt all over the rink.

I.heart.Evan.Lysacek. And not only because he is easy on the eyes, or because he is a Naperville, IL native, but because he shows what hard work and faith in yourself can accomplish.

For those who were not awake at 12:30am to see Evan skate, I promise it is a performance of a lifetime.



~michelle pendergrass said...

We have this in common too!

N/A said...
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Cate said...

Thanks for sharing; I forgot this was on the other night!