Friday, February 23, 2007

Answered Prayers

My prayers and frets about preschool were answered today. This morning I got a call from the preschool that we liked the most that someone will be moving this summer and they have a spot in the two day a week program for Sam. They will keep me on the wait list for the 3 day a week program, but in the meantime, WE ARE IN!!!

The weird thing... I asked the lady when I signed over a hefty check how I got called so quickly because I knew I was pretty far down the wait list. She told me that the class Sam will be in was very heavy with boys and they needed a girl to help even out the list. Sam was the first girl on the list. Now how much of a sign is that of an answered prayer?


~michelle pendergrass said...

I love it when God does stuff like that!! Congrats!!!

Leesha said...

WAHOOOO! God is Good....All the Time!

That is awesome news! Has Sammi taken off her backpack? ~~HUGS~~

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you and Sam. CONGRATS!!! :) Now go celebrate :)

Cate said...

Congratulations! Such exciting news!