Thursday, February 01, 2007


I was tagged by Val so I guess I need to list 5 things about me that you may not know. I always find these things so hard.

1. I don't really know how to swim, yet I love the water and we own a boat.
2. I am allergic to coconut. I break out in lovely hives.
3. I have been maced by police –– twice. (No I am not a felon. Ohio state police love to mace football fans)
4. Matt and I camped out for 2 days and were first in line to get Rose Bowl tickets back in 1996.
5. I have been kissed at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

So now I am tagging Cait, Jamie, Kim, Shannon and Michelle. Can't wait to read your "5 Things About Me!"

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