Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Office "Re-do"

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was thinking of doing a complete re-design of my home office. So this week my goal is to get the office all sorted through (purge, purge purge!) so in the next few weeks I can start ordering new office furniture.

I have decided to bite the bullet and buy the Pottery Barn desk that I love. This is huge for me because I have never bought anything from PB (even though I love their stuff) just for the principle that I think they are overpriced. But I love the desk, and it is supposed to be very durable, so I think I am going to do it.
Last year when we moved in, Matt put french doors into my office. The other wall has a door entry (we still can't figure out why the builder did this) so Matt is going to close off the door with drywall, we are going to paint the whole office and then along one wall I am going to buy this from Ikea. It matches the bookshelves I bought last year so it should look real nice.
I'll take pictures along the way. I am sure the room will look totally different once we are done. My goal date to be finished by Thanksgiving. Keep your fingers crossed that it will happen.


Johanna said...

Oh so fun! I love to decorate and organize (i know, freaky). We actually have quite a few things from Pottery Barn and they are well worth it. They are very sturdy and durable. I think you'll like it a lot. It is an adorable desk! Happy projecting! :)

Corie said...

I love PB too!!!
Doesn't NC have an outlet store?
I know my friend lives near Charlotte and they were able to purchase from PB outlet at a huge markdown.....

Have fun redecorating!!!

Aimee said...

Awesome desk! Don't forget to take "before" pictures! (I always forget to do that!

Cate said...

Oooooh, I love room makeovers! Please do be sure to take lots of pictures and share them with us-- I love both the desk and the shelves already!

Angi said...

I have always wanted to go to an IKEA store. We're supposed to get one in NC soon!

Anonymous said...

Go get the desk. It's worth it.

(This way, when you procrastinate on your home office work, you won't be able to use the table as your excuse :)



Musings of a Housewife said...

Oh I heart Pottery Barn. And I heart that desk.

Jamie said...

Exciting. I can't wait to see it maybe I will have to road trip for the full effect?

Sonya said...

I, like you, love PB but never buy from them because of price. HOWEVER, this desk would make me change my mind! It's a must buy!

Unknown said...

I have that desk --- in honey. love it, as you know.