Friday, September 28, 2007

"Within Two Weeks"

That's how long it will be before I know if I got the freelance position or not. Argh... I hate waiting.

I allowed myself two hours to get there. And thank goodness I did because there was an accident on I-40 and I managed to get there only 5 minutes early. I parked and went in to what I thought was the entrance. Instead it happened to be the back door into the owner/boss/head honcho's office. Great first impression huh? At least he found it humorous. So after my accidental meeting with the boss, I met with two gals from creative and marketing. They were very nice –– and very young. It is weird starting to be the "seasoned" one.

I am cautiously optimistic. I think things went well. I answered the questions well, I showed my portfolio and conversation came easy. I did ask if I get bonus points being on a Mac since that is what their office uses. The only downside I see is that most of my experience is in agriculture and the heavy machinery industry. I have done a few medical assignments. But as I told them, a good writer can study research and adapt to the product and audience. (Told you I answered the questions well!)

The position would be perfect. The company is an advertising and design firm exclusively. They do not have a copywriter on staff so they are looking for a person to work with on all writing and editing assignments that may come through. They already have one project (a pretty cool one!) for the end of October and more down the pipeline. I could do everything from home and I love their client list –– some animal clients, pharmaceutical clients, clothing clients and even key man insurance clients (I had to look up what exactly that type of insurance was).

So hopefully in two weeks I will know something. I know they are interviewing other people as well. And as Matt says, if it works out it would be awesome. If not, then there are plenty of other things out there.


Anonymous said...

You'll get it.


Deborah said...

good luck! it sounds very promising. BTW, I got in touch w/my friend, and he is considering a few options, so I'll let you know as I hear anything.


ErinFiat said...

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you. :) They'd be stupid not to hire you. :) I hope they decide in less than 2 weeks...the waiting is the worst.

Jill said...

Sounds like a great position! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hoping and praying you get good news in less than 2 weeks.

Corie said...

Sounds like it went well.
That's funny about the entrance. :)

We'll be waiting to hear about it in 2 weeks!!!

Cate said...

Can't wait to hear the final result!