Thursday, October 04, 2007

Thursday's Thoughts

Sometimes it is just easier to put everything in bullets.
  • I have my first meeting today with the job I got last week. After today I should have a better handle on what the project entails and how much work will be involved.
  • I have placed my Pottery Barn desk on hold. If my meeting gets out by a certain time today, then it is a sign to get it. If not, then I will wait. (Yes, I am still justifying the silly desk)
  • We reorganized my office last night and now I wonder why we didn't do it sooner.
  • I really, really, really need to finish 4 of my CAT projects. I means real-ly.
  • Some jerk parked out by me in tim-buk-tu at Wally World and dinged the door on my 3 month old van. I hope it won't cost too much to pull it out.
  • We painted the walls up the stairs and in the upstairs hallway. We dislike it. No, honestly we hate it. Matt decided to go some crazy shade that looks horrible with the carpet and seems like a cross between a purple and a gray. It looks hideous. In the process of painting for 8 hours, Matt managed to spill paint on the carpet, then accidentally bleached those spots. I told him that I would call a carpet dying company to fix them. But no that would be too simple. Instead he decided to "fix" them himself. Now it looks like my dog took a huge poop on the floor and we didn't clean it. So until Matt calls the carpet company to have that section replaced a sign that says "My dog didn't do this, my husband did" will be placed above the section. So now we are in the process of repainting the hallway –– again.
  • I may have some exciting news soon. Stay tuned! (have to leave you hanging to keep reading my blog)


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm......wonder what that news will be!

I am LOL about Matt and the paint! I would so make that sign!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting that job.


ErinFiat said...

Sorry about the carpet...I'm laughing at the sign.

Jennifer said...

you had me laughing so hard my stomach hurts....your ntoo funny girl....

and sham sham on you for having me hang on like that.....I don't do well with suspense!:0

Anonymous said...

The painting incident was too funny! That alway sucks when you spend all that time painting and then you hate it. Such a wast. Love the sign idea!

Corie said...

Oh, I hate suspense!
I'll be checking in all the time, waiting for the possible news!!!

And, I loved the desk! Still think you should get it.

Sonya said...

You should get the desk because it rocks. The carpet, well, that's just way too funny!