Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our Decisions versus God's Decisions

Matt loves when I discuss this topic (note the sarcasm there). We are told to pray not for what our will is, but for what God's will is. You know, thy will be done... Now it doesn't hurt to pray for X or Y, but in the end ultimately God is in control. I understand that.

But how about when it comes to making decisions? How do we know, when we make decisions in our life if it is what God wants or if it is our own pure selfish desires? We should ask "God is this what you want for me", but how do we know the answer? Sometimes we look for signs, and sometimes they are there. Some are obvious ones and others are more subtle. But how do we know if it is really a sign, or if it something we justify as a sign? And other times, God is silent. So what do we do then? And what about when all the signs are there and we still choose to go on our own and not listen. You know, the whole free will thing (another topic Matt loves to discuss with me).

I think that no matter what God will always be there, even when we chose to go opposite from what he wants. I think he will be there to help us when we may not be where he wants us to be. But how do we make decisions so we act and make decisions that are God choices, and not our own?

Just some food for thought on a sunny Tuesday morning.


Jill said...

I struggle with how to pray and what to pray for all the time. I feel so selfish praying for things like "Please help us sell our house." So, I end up praying for God to give me the strength or the wisdom to make it through whatever tough time has led me to pray in the first place. I figure he's got bigger problems than mine to deal with, but he's always got time to help nudge me in the right direction. :-)

Leesha said...

Have you ever done the bible study "Experencing God"? It has a great section on this subject.

Terri said...

I think you hit it spot on Alexis! He is always there whether we make right or wrong decisions.

Angi said...

I am doing an awesome Bible study right now - that I highly suggest - it focuses on how to pray and how God answers prayer - Live A Praying Life by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

LiLi said...

Yup, He's there either way... just sometimes it is apparent, when we choose our own way and not His way... the road may be a little bumpier than we'd hoped. Also, He has a path for our life, but in NO place I've ever seen... is it indicated that path is straight, without forks, and without bumps. We learn as we go, and we do our best to keep HIS plan. Remember, that if we truly seek Him, He gives us the desires of our heart... now... how do you read that? does He give us what we most desire OR does He put a desire in our heart? hmmm... take that one up with Matt (I dare ya!) -- We may have a plan for what we want in this life, but God directs our steps (I wish I could remember the exact passage)... You just do the best that you can with making decisions... do your best to be obedient. I feel you get peace about your decision if it is the decision God has planned for you. If you feel ill at ease, then it's probably the Holy Spirit telling you... mmm that might not be best!

Anonymous said...

oh i SO know what you mean! how do you know if you're hearing Him clearly or colouring things with your own desires .. how do you know what desires are from Him? For me, it helps some to remind myself that it is OK to make mistakes .. God can use it all ... and it's always better to move out of love than fear. not easy, boy do I know!!

Corie said...

Ahhh, a subject I've struggled with....and still do.
Ultimately I pray for God's will, but I still pray for my own desires... does that make sense?

I have the hardest time when God is silent. I don't like silence.

I completely agree, no matter what we choose- God is faithful.

mama2dibs said...

It sounds like I'm not the only one afflicted with those thoughts.