Friday, January 01, 2010

"A New Year, A New Decade, A New Me"

I do not like to make resolutions at the beginning of each year, rather I make goals. Many times I accomplish my yearly goals, other times I fall short. Some goals are very short term and others are more long term and carry over from year to year.

I think it is important to have some way to keep yourself accountable for your goals. Revisit them periodically to see where you stand. Which goals are you doing well with and which ones do you need to spend a little more time working on. Share your goals with others. Sometimes a little cheering section goes a long way.

Here are my 2010 goals. These are in no particular order.

  1. Photography - Learn how to use my digital SLR camera better. Become more proficient at the different functions the camera offers. Also, become a better photographer in general. Study and learn more of the "tricks of the trade".
  2. Photoshop - Learn how to be able to do at least the basics. I have become so frustrated with it in the past that I keep giving up.
  3. Reading - Read a minimum of 50 books. This past year my reading really took a hit and I would like to find more time to sit down with a good book. Of those 50 books, at least 5 need to be non-fiction.
  1. Laundry - Put away laundry as it is finished, rather than letting it gather in baskets until they are full.
  2. Menu planning - Preplan my menu for the week. I used to do this in the past, but this past year I have not. I find it less stressful and I buy less if I know ahead of time what I am making.
  3. Meals - Try 1 new recipe per month.
  1. Climb Mt. Fuji.
  2. Travel more within Japan and Asia.
  3. Continue to save money and stay within our budget.
  4. Continue to stay in contact with family and friends in the states via Skype, net and phone calls.
  5. Expand my understanding of other cultures and religions.
  6. Make an effort to becoming more proficient in my Japanese studies. This includes making a point to study at least 30 minutes 4 days a week. Use Japanese at home when possible.
  7. Continue my commitment to staying in shape and make healthy food choices.
  8. Start my book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u saw such before ?? [url=]Sexy.[/url]

just some help and a click i get 1 more