Friday, June 15, 2007

Father's Day Ideas

Help! I need some great father's day ideas for Matt. Sam and I won't actually be here on Father's Day as we will be going to see Diego Live (Lord help me) and then going to David's 4th birthday party in South Carolina. So I need something different and cool. And something I can buy tomorrow as we are leaving at 7 am on Saturday. Argh... otherwise he may wind up with something like swiss army watches.



Unknown said...

Um, helloo!! Same boat here and I posted about it, too, and didn't hardly get any responses with ideas! I think we're now going to wait till next week when we're back to celebrate and I think we'll just have a family day -- whatever he wants to do. And he really really wants a new (charcoal) grill and I'm thinking about getting one of those possibly.

Good luck!

LiLi said...

OK, so what did you come up with???