Monday, October 08, 2007

When it rains it pours

Nope... it's not really raining. At least not water. Sorry I have been so sporadic in my blog posting lately. Things are really happening around here –– good things. So I have been swamped. I hope after tomorrow things will slow down and I can get back to blogging.

I had a meeting last Thursday with my new client. What was supposed to be a few little projects has turned into a full blown campaign. While I am very, very, very nervous, I am also extremely excited. This project very well may be the biggest one so far of my career. Needless to say I needed protective underwear after my meeting Thursday. I'm sure I will be sharing lots of details in the coming months.

Imagine my surprise when I received a call Friday morning from someone wanting to schedule a meeting about some possible long-term project work. I do not know many details, but what I know sounds interesting. So keep your fingers crossed that it is a good fit on both ends.

And Friday I also learned that I will be going to Illinois the first week in December for training for Caterpillar (the other company I do contract work for).

And no, none of that is the big news I hopefully will share soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow Alexis! Exciting things arae happening in your life/career! Congratulations!

Aimee said...

Congrats! And if that last sentence doesn't leave us waiting for more, I don't know what does?!?! :)

Jennifer said...

your bad....that all I have to say about that!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear the BIG news! And I wish you were coming to Illinois when I'm out there next week. I would have loved to meet you. Oh, well, another time.

Michelle said...

How exciting! Good for you--keep up the good work! And, keep those underwear handy!! ;)