Tuesday and today I spent the morning and part of the afternoon at Cat. It was a very good visit. I managed to sit in on some meetings, got another plant tour, caught up with the team that I work with, and most importantly walked out of there with alot of work. A-lot. I won't think about that too much because it will stress me out right now and I am trying to relax and enjoy the rest of my visit.
Last night I caught up with a few people and then Jamie and I went to see August Rush. Very good movie, however I do have to warn you it is definitely a romantic movie and with that comes alot of cheese. But who can dislike a movie with Keri Russel and rugged sexy men with Irish accents?
Tonight Val and I met for supper and then we went on the town's holiday walk through town. It was so cool to be back to Val and my "restaurant" for supper. I wish Robbie's delivered to NC. Maybe I can look into some type of real estate franchise for them.
Then afterwards we met Heather and Val's mom for the holiday walk. We went into just about every store downtown and got some yummy treats, good wine and great buys.
Speaking of good buys... I am so excited about two purchases I made on this trip. First is this Nine West bag. And those who know me, know that a) This is a very nontraditional type of purse for me. I mean come on it will not match everything and it isn't black or brown. And b) I no where paid regular price. In fact I paid $12. Man am I good.
And my second buy is this mug. I saw it tonight and just had to buy it for myself. It will look so cool sitting on my desk while I am knee deep in writing about poultry vaccinations or large mining trucks. I am a huge tea drinker so I think it fits nicely.
Tomorrow I am going to go to breakfast at Cracker Barrel and finish up some Christmas shopping. Then Val and I are heading to Bloomington to do some gabbing and drinking Starbucks before I have to catch my flight back home.
It has been a great visit. I am already counting down the days until I get to come back again. Thanks for an awesome visit everyone!
Rugged sexy men with Irish accents? Sounds like my husband. ;) Sounds like you're having a great time!!!
So fun! Glad you're there! I'm jealous!
Sounds like you are having a great trip!
I love, love, love that mug- too cute.
Don't kill me, but I am from Decatur and never eaten at Robbies...... ;)
Glad you're having a good time!
Corie! Never eaten at Robbie's? **thud** When I come into town again you have to come up and we will go. It's a preggo woman's dream.
:hug: Sounds like a wonderful trip. I know how hard it must be to leave...
So glad you are having/had a great trip!
And, I think you and Val look super cute despite being bundled up!! :)
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I did NOT know you were a tea drinker... yet another thing we have in common!!! I love the cup!!!!
Gosh I've been such a bad blogger. I love this post (of course!) and the pics are too cute :) I can't believe Cor hasn't been there either! Corie must go!!!!!
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