Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat - 2010

Trick or treat is not a big thing in Japan, however our area has a trick or treat night with the local expat families and kids from a local childrens home. Our kids look forward to it, not just for all the candy, but because they love mixing with these Japanese children and seeing the smiles on their faces.

This evening it was pouring down rain from Typhoon Chaba remenants, but that didn't keep the kids from trick or treating. The kids had a blast going from house to house getting candy and even playing a few games. Emily has decided she is too old to trick or treat anymore (and in the states she is, but here not really) so she stayed and passed out candy while the rest of us went around collecting our goodies. It was a bittersweet moment for Matt and I.

Our Rambo and wedding bride
Chris looks a wee bit scary, doesn't he?
Trick or Treat 2010

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