Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tongue Twister

Matt decided to work from home today, so I spent my morning running some errands. I decided to be a nice wife and pick up sandwiches from HoneyBaked Ham for lunch. For those who have never eaten there, the sandwiches are awesome.

So Matt and I were eating lunch and he was telling me how someone at work was talking about a Kissimmee vacation they just booked. I was half listening while I concentrated more on trying to eat my lunch. You just really need to experience one of these sandwiches firsthand to understand. There was so much meat on it that I kept using my tongue to keep pushing it back into the bread. Somehow I managed to bite down as I was trying to save my meat and I bit my tongue –– hard.

My tongue started bleeding, as it normally does if I bite my tongue. But today I bit it harder than usual and now my tongue looks like this.

Lovely, isn't it? I didn't even realize that a tongue could bruise. But it can, and let me tell you, it hurts –– bad.


Aimee said...

That must've been a great sandwich! ;) JK That looks so awful, I can only imagine how that feels! Hope it feels better soon!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness! Sorry but I just had to laugh...never saw such a thing :) But, OUCH!! Hope you were able to at least enjoy the first part of your sandwich!!

Erin said...

Goodness that doesn't look so good! Oh, it makes my tongue hurt just looking at it.

Jill said...

Ouch! I didn't know you could even do that to your tongue! No French kissing for you and Matt for awhile :-)

Jennifer said...

om goodness...that makes my tongue hurt...I've bitten my tongue before but nothing like that.

Quick healing vibes coming your way.....

Anonymous said...

OUCH. But Honey Baked Ham was worth it, right? ;)

Deborah said...


Corie said...

Oh, ouch, ouch, ouch!
Will you ever be able to eat another Honeybaked Ham sandwich again?

ErinFiat said...

omg...that just hurts to even think about. Hope it's better...

Sonya said...

Ouch! That looks painful! I hope the meat you were trying to save was worth it! LOL!

Carey said...

ouch, hope it heals fast.

Jamie said...

OK leave it to me to ask as I lmao.
First sorry you bit your tongue. Can just imagine what Matt said about it. But the ? is who took the picture?? haha

mama2dibs said...

Ouch! I'm guessing from the way you are talking that it was still worth it though.

Unknown said...

Is it still there

Anonymous said...

Me I gave a love bite to my boyfriend and me idk how to do it so next day I had a tiny bruise in my tongue lol it's been 4 days now or so

Anonymous said...

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