Thursday, March 08, 2007

Exciting News

I am chaperoning the 5th grade class trip to Washington DC at the end of the month. Three days with 80 5th graders. Fun stuff. But it will all be worth it because I GET TO GO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!! (Mom have you passed out yet?)

I received an email tonight that for the first time our school has been accepted to go in the White House and get a tour. Sure we won't get to actually see George, Laura, Dick and Condoleeza, but just to know they may be in the same building. Wow. Now I have to send the school all my extra security information, but hey. I GET TO GO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!


Unknown said...

I guess i didn't realize that they didn't do tours anymore???

Leesha said...

That is so cool you get to help Em's class.

Josie goes in May! She is so excited. I have no desire to chaperone all 8th grader's for 4 days.

It's hard enough to transport cheerleader's and volleyball players back and forth to school. LOL

Can't wait to hear all about your trip!!

Cate said...

Aw, that sounds really, really fun!