Monday, November 19, 2007

Another of my quirks

We have two different checking accounts, a joint account and my work account. I balance them to the penny daily unless I don't have internet access. The idea of my account being off by even a penny stresses me out. Now Matt is totally the opposite. The man would never balance the account, which is why I do all the banking. I know someone who rounds every entry up and by now probably has several hundred dollars just sitting in there. That stresses me out.

Am I really that anal and am the only one who will spend hours trying to find where I am off by a penny? How do you balance your checking accounts?


Unknown said...

We do all of ours online. So much easier because we both tend to forget to write it on the register. I use to spend tons of time figuring it out when I was off, but I don't anymore. I've changed sooo much in the anal-world since becoming a mama. Not that checkbooks have anything to do with becoming a mommmy, but being less anal does -- for me, anyway :)

Anonymous said...

My husband is just like that. I am so glad to hear that he isn't the only one. He is seriously obsessed. But hey, if your going to have a quirk, I say at least its one that is beneficial to all! :)

Jamie said...

Mark is sooo anal about the checking account it drives me bonkers. He is constantly yelling at me about not putting an entry on the MS money account but come on if I just got home from the store who's had time!!

On another note I am cracking up at your tag of anal..... let me know what kind of hits you get on that in the next few days hahaha

ErinFiat said...

Ok, first, I was kind of sad...I miss WaMu. I know, silly. But, it was one of the things we had to give up when we moved. Then, after being sad, I LOL. I clicked on the map, etc and got their little "suggestions." I wondered just how close a branch would be...TEXAS. Again, LOL.

To answer your question, DH does the bills. :P

Corie said...

I should be more particular when it comes to balancing, but I am not! I'm an online banking girl and I will even let a couple of dollars slip by!

mama2dibs said...

When I worked and had my own account with money actually coming into it...I updated it once a week when I called to find out how much had been deposited into my account. If I was off by even a penny...I did some math to make sure that I figured out why and where that penny went. It was usually to bad math.

Kimberly said...

I'm the same way. If I'm a penny off I go crazy and don't stop until I figure out where it is!